《樂團指揮》是一部優秀的劇情片 劇情 類型的電影,主要演員有:約翰·吉爾古德 克里斯提娜·楊達 安德烈·瑟韋林 揚·切切爾斯基 瑪麗亞·塞韋倫 約瑟夫·弗里茲萊維奇 揚努斯·加約斯 Mary Ann Krasinski 安娜·沃帕托夫斯卡 Mavis Walker 塔德烏什·切霍夫斯基 《樂團指揮》劇情簡介:
A violinist in a provincial Polish orchestra, whose husband is the director of the ensemble, on a visit to the US ties up with the world- renowned symphony conductor. As it turns out he was once in love with violinist's mother. The conductor, a slightly unstable hypochondriac, returns to Poland to lead the provincial orchestra. He also tries to revive old love affair using the violinist as a surrogate of her mother. Her husband is resentful of the conductor for both personal and professional reasons.